Would you look at those mid-summer carrots. No carrot catastrophes this year. No tomato hornworms yet either. Things are looking up in more ways than one. As we head towards a country with an 80 plus vaccination rate, I thought it might be time to reflect. What we have done as a country is truly remarkable. Will we get past 80 % fully vaccinated as a country? Maybe. Do we need to get further than that to keep the Delta variant under control? Yes, we do. As we get down to the wire with 80 % on board and 20 % hesitant or against vaccines, the fracture lines are becoming more and more evident in many areas of our lives: at work, in our families, in our social circles, in public spaces. Is it possible to remain civil and kind as the gap widens? Yes it is. Definitely. First goal, get as close to fully vaccinated as we can. Second goal, do it with dignity, civility and kindness. There are many reasons that someone might choose not to be vaccinated. Let's respect that. I have had several situations over the course of my career when I have felt threatened by a patient. I remember once being charged at in my exam room by a very angry young woman. She had a lot in her life to be angry about. I was a non-threatening target. I remember opening the exam room door to find most of my staff and a patient who had heard the screaming from the waiting room. This gang of folks in the hallway seemed to diffuse the patient's anger. Not a nice situation but I was safe and so was she. Female doctors, unfortunately, are sometimes the victims of sexual harassment and assault at the hands of their patients. Rarely, but I doubt there is not a female doctor out there who has not experienced this. Most of the time the assault is manifest as inappropriate behaviour or comments but I have been pinned against that same exam room door; very briefly but an assault is an assault. I was amazed at how little there was that I could do about this. The police needed evidence. Our regulatory authority suggested I meet with the patient and review why I was dismissing him from my practise. That's not protection. My husband had to sit in the reception area of our evening call clinic a few times after that. He threatened to find me there. Eventually, this fellow was charged with assaulting another woman, I assume not a physician, but someone that had a higher authority that was willing to accept her story and not rely on her professional position in society as acting as a layer of protection against these things. Even in this particular situation, I did not feel threatened or unsafe, just annoyed. A strategically placed marshal arts move and he was disarmed. My husband has no idea how much I have actually listened as he went on about self-defence during his martial arts years. Parents, make sure your daughters and sons learn some key self-defence moves. Short, quick and out of there! Makes me realize how impossible it is to escape domestic violence. There is no 'short, quick and out of there' for many, many people. So what is my point and what does all this have to do with COVID-19? People are on edge. People are angry and frustrated. Some tempers are boiling over. I experienced a very threatening situation at our call clinic this past week. A gentleman was not happy that I had chosen to complete most of the history part of his exam over the phone and the rest in person. That is one of our options for patients presenting with symptoms that may indicate COVID-19 who have not been vaccinated. Instead of risking the health of others inside, we make it a phone or virtual appointment in order to shorten the in person portion of the exam. This person became quite hostile and was much more interested in trying to make the concern all about his vaccination status and why I was treating him differently. I have been assessing patients this way for months, before vaccines were on the scene. I am also feeling more and more threatened by some of the comments on this Facebook post. So much so, that I have been avoiding the comments and therefore the good questions that often come in them. I will get over it. There is a much 'higher perspective' concern here. Do people have the right to threaten others on social media and how are we working against this? Here is what I have decided to do. I need a gang behind the door ready to 'take down' the hostile person. That gang is most powerful when they do nothing but make their presence known. Don't engage in a lengthy counter-comment conversation that can disintegrate into shocking conflict. Just send me a note and I will block the threatening person. They are entitled to their opinions but when their comments feel the same as an assault, the line needs to be drawn in a ' short, quick and out of there' kind of way'. If anyone would like to help me sort the hostile comments, give me a nudge. I could use the help. Not nice seeing the ugliness but ugliness is in the world. It is our dignified response to it that makes the world a safer place. There, that feels better. Thanks for listening. Answers to some important questions from our July 20th webinar: 1/ The mass vaccination clinics will close by the end of summer, early fall depending on the area. Vaccines will still be available through pharmacies, public health and family doctors offices....if we are supported in giving them. Public Health is working on several different scenarios for kids under 12 but right now access to these vaccines for the vaccine eligible will be much easier while these clinics are open. 2/ Currently there is no process to give people with mixed vaccines a third dose. At present, there are no international guidelines that state a third is required.....yet. 3/ More than a million people in Canada have had mixed doses of AZ and a mRNA vaccine. You will be able to travel. There will be a political solution to the issue of international travel in this group. It is in the best interest of all countries to open up their borders once it is safe to do so. Give each country time to review and approve the vaccines that they are not using. They can't approve your mRNA vaccine or your AZ vaccine unless it is approved for use by their regulatory authorities.....this will happen. 3/ We expect guidance as to the protocols around a return to school by the end of July. If your child has had two doses of vaccine and experiences a high risk exposure at school, they can stay in school. Those that are unvaccinated will need to stay home and quarantine. Got lots of nasty comments when I posted this last week. Nasty comments aside, this will be the rule. Stop the nastiness. 4/ Under 12- vaccinations.....we hope to have a vaccine for this age group by November. This may change if the phase three trials for the use of these vaccines in ages 6 months and up are completed and then approved by Health Canada before November. Until then, public health protocols will likely be required to keep this group safe until they are vaccinated. It is safe for these children to circulate in groups of vaccinated youth and adults as long as these vaccination bubbles stay tight and the public health restrictions around the number that can gather in and out are followed. 5/ Will masks be required in schools? The upcoming guidance document from the Ministry of Education will discuss this but masks provide a great layer of protection for our kids under 12 until they are vaccinated. We will see which way this goes. If I had a school-aged child who was not vaccinated, I would have them wear a mask in school until they are vaccinated. Just my opinion at this point. Anne-Marie Please share. For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here: https://braceletofhope.blogspot.com/ And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here: https://www.braceletofhope.ca/ways-to-
Sunday, 25 July 2021
Back down to the 'earthy' basics: Peace, patience, kindness, goodness......
Would you look at those mid-summer carrots. No carrot catastrophes this year. No tomato hornworms yet either. Things are looking up in more ways than one. As we head towards a country with an 80 plus vaccination rate, I thought it might be time to reflect. What we have done as a country is truly remarkable. Will we get past 80 % fully vaccinated as a country? Maybe. Do we need to get further than that to keep the Delta variant under control? Yes, we do. As we get down to the wire with 80 % on board and 20 % hesitant or against vaccines, the fracture lines are becoming more and more evident in many areas of our lives: at work, in our families, in our social circles, in public spaces. Is it possible to remain civil and kind as the gap widens? Yes it is. Definitely. First goal, get as close to fully vaccinated as we can. Second goal, do it with dignity, civility and kindness. There are many reasons that someone might choose not to be vaccinated. Let's respect that. I have had several situations over the course of my career when I have felt threatened by a patient. I remember once being charged at in my exam room by a very angry young woman. She had a lot in her life to be angry about. I was a non-threatening target. I remember opening the exam room door to find most of my staff and a patient who had heard the screaming from the waiting room. This gang of folks in the hallway seemed to diffuse the patient's anger. Not a nice situation but I was safe and so was she. Female doctors, unfortunately, are sometimes the victims of sexual harassment and assault at the hands of their patients. Rarely, but I doubt there is not a female doctor out there who has not experienced this. Most of the time the assault is manifest as inappropriate behaviour or comments but I have been pinned against that same exam room door; very briefly but an assault is an assault. I was amazed at how little there was that I could do about this. The police needed evidence. Our regulatory authority suggested I meet with the patient and review why I was dismissing him from my practise. That's not protection. My husband had to sit in the reception area of our evening call clinic a few times after that. He threatened to find me there. Eventually, this fellow was charged with assaulting another woman, I assume not a physician, but someone that had a higher authority that was willing to accept her story and not rely on her professional position in society as acting as a layer of protection against these things. Even in this particular situation, I did not feel threatened or unsafe, just annoyed. A strategically placed marshal arts move and he was disarmed. My husband has no idea how much I have actually listened as he went on about self-defence during his martial arts years. Parents, make sure your daughters and sons learn some key self-defence moves. Short, quick and out of there! Makes me realize how impossible it is to escape domestic violence. There is no 'short, quick and out of there' for many, many people. So what is my point and what does all this have to do with COVID-19? People are on edge. People are angry and frustrated. Some tempers are boiling over. I experienced a very threatening situation at our call clinic this past week. A gentleman was not happy that I had chosen to complete most of the history part of his exam over the phone and the rest in person. That is one of our options for patients presenting with symptoms that may indicate COVID-19 who have not been vaccinated. Instead of risking the health of others inside, we make it a phone or virtual appointment in order to shorten the in person portion of the exam. This person became quite hostile and was much more interested in trying to make the concern all about his vaccination status and why I was treating him differently. I have been assessing patients this way for months, before vaccines were on the scene. I am also feeling more and more threatened by some of the comments on this Facebook post. So much so, that I have been avoiding the comments and therefore the good questions that often come in them. I will get over it. There is a much 'higher perspective' concern here. Do people have the right to threaten others on social media and how are we working against this? Here is what I have decided to do. I need a gang behind the door ready to 'take down' the hostile person. That gang is most powerful when they do nothing but make their presence known. Don't engage in a lengthy counter-comment conversation that can disintegrate into shocking conflict. Just send me a note and I will block the threatening person. They are entitled to their opinions but when their comments feel the same as an assault, the line needs to be drawn in a ' short, quick and out of there' kind of way'. If anyone would like to help me sort the hostile comments, give me a nudge. I could use the help. Not nice seeing the ugliness but ugliness is in the world. It is our dignified response to it that makes the world a safer place. There, that feels better. Thanks for listening. Answers to some important questions from our July 20th webinar: 1/ The mass vaccination clinics will close by the end of summer, early fall depending on the area. Vaccines will still be available through pharmacies, public health and family doctors offices....if we are supported in giving them. Public Health is working on several different scenarios for kids under 12 but right now access to these vaccines for the vaccine eligible will be much easier while these clinics are open. 2/ Currently there is no process to give people with mixed vaccines a third dose. At present, there are no international guidelines that state a third is required.....yet. 3/ More than a million people in Canada have had mixed doses of AZ and a mRNA vaccine. You will be able to travel. There will be a political solution to the issue of international travel in this group. It is in the best interest of all countries to open up their borders once it is safe to do so. Give each country time to review and approve the vaccines that they are not using. They can't approve your mRNA vaccine or your AZ vaccine unless it is approved for use by their regulatory authorities.....this will happen. 3/ We expect guidance as to the protocols around a return to school by the end of July. If your child has had two doses of vaccine and experiences a high risk exposure at school, they can stay in school. Those that are unvaccinated will need to stay home and quarantine. Got lots of nasty comments when I posted this last week. Nasty comments aside, this will be the rule. Stop the nastiness. 4/ Under 12- vaccinations.....we hope to have a vaccine for this age group by November. This may change if the phase three trials for the use of these vaccines in ages 6 months and up are completed and then approved by Health Canada before November. Until then, public health protocols will likely be required to keep this group safe until they are vaccinated. It is safe for these children to circulate in groups of vaccinated youth and adults as long as these vaccination bubbles stay tight and the public health restrictions around the number that can gather in and out are followed. 5/ Will masks be required in schools? The upcoming guidance document from the Ministry of Education will discuss this but masks provide a great layer of protection for our kids under 12 until they are vaccinated. We will see which way this goes. If I had a school-aged child who was not vaccinated, I would have them wear a mask in school until they are vaccinated. Just my opinion at this point. Anne-Marie Please share. For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here: https://braceletofhope.blogspot.com/ And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here: https://www.braceletofhope.ca/ways-to-
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Procrastination in times of COVID-19 and the mind-shift we need around this pandemic.
So. You have decided to wait to see how COVID-19 plays out this fall before receiving a vaccine? Here are some reasons why doing that may not be such a great idea: 1/ In the GWD region all of our mass vaccination clinics will close by the end of August. It will be more difficult to access a vaccine in the fall. As of today, people who need both their first dose or their second, can show up to one of these clinics without an appointment and get a vaccine. 2/This is an interesting graph: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-cases. What it shows is the huge surge in new cases in countries with similar vaccination rates to ours. The UK, the US, France Australia, to name a few, are all experiencing massive upticks in cases and although vaccines in these countries have dropped the risk of serious illness and death in the vaccinated, the unvaccinated are still becoming ill and requiring ICU admissions. Our vaccine rates are higher than some of these countries but until we are at 90 % vaccinated, there is a risk of an uptick in cases this summer and fall in those who have not received two vaccines. COVID kills. COVID causes serious illness. COVID causes serious disability. Get vaccinated before these vaccine clinics close. 3/ In Ontario, 10 people in the entire province who were fully vaccinated, ended up in hospital with serious illness. Think of that; over 8 million people in Ontario are fully vaccinated and only 10 have developed serious illness. That's just a little more than 1 in a million ( 0.0001% ) odds of becoming ill from COVID if you are vaccinated. Without vaccination, you have a greater than 30 % chance of developing serious illness if you become infected with the delta variant. Look at those odds; 0.0001 % vs 30 %, or put in a different light, there are 17 million people in Ontario and without vaccines, all of us would eventually get infected, 5.1 million of us would end up requiring hospitalization. Catastrophic. If you want your children ages 12-18, to be fully vaccinated before school starts, July 29 is the last day to get the first dose in order to be fully vaccinated with two doses before by the first week of school. At present, in GWD, 18 to 29 year olds have the lowest rate of vaccination. Please reach out to people you know in this age group and make sure they know the clinics are closing. The time for vaccination is now, not in the fall when we will most likely see an increase in cases of COVID-19. Here is the truth of the matter: COVID-19 is a vaccine preventable disease. We need to shift our pandemic mind-set. This virus will continue to circulate among the unvaccinated for years to come. If you are not fully vaccinated, you will eventually get COVID-19. It will become a disease of the unvaccinated just as measles, mumps, rubella, polio....are diseases of the unvaccinated. This is not fear mongering. This is science. It is the virus we should be afraid of and science we should be assured of. Vaccines work and we have got them!!! Now is the time. Get vaccinated. In WDG- here is the information you need to book a vaccine. But remember, as of today, you can just show up to a vaccine clinic. https://www.wdgpublichealth.ca/your-health/covid-19-information-public/covid-19-vaccine-information/ways-get-your-first-or-second Anne-Marie Pleases share. For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here: https://braceletofhope.blogspot.com/ And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here: https://www.braceletofhope.ca/ways-to-
Monday, 12 July 2021
I have been remiss in posting about my gardening adventures this summer. Definitely lower in energy this year. But, my gardens are just as big and doing marvellously. I have difficulty growing my basil in a pot. It never lasts until the fall when I need it for my pasta sauce. A friend suggested I plant it in my garden. Idiot. Why didn't I think of that? Holy basil!!! I will have much more than I will need. Did I just say that about basil? I did! It's huge!! And the carrots? Well. This time last year I had just hoed up an entire row. The Guelph Seed Bank rescued me after my little 'in the garden' melt down. This year, my husband suggested ( I will not say forbade because if he had forbade me I would have totally ignored him) that I steer clear of the carrots this year until they were well up. He actually put orange tape on the row markers and politely asked that I stay outside of the markers......politely. The carrots this year are amazing. I think it has been a great garden year so far. Aside from the potato beetles, no issues so far and I am watching closely for that first tomato horn worm. It was horn worm war last year. Did you notice that Ontario is crushing COVID? One-hundred and fourteen cases today. We have to go all the way back to July of last year to find cases this low. Truthfully, I did not expect our daily case count to get this low. Almost 80 % of Canadians have had their first dose of vaccine and 50 % are fully vaccinated. In GWD, 78.7 % have had their first dose and 51.5 % are fully vaccinated. That is truly amazing and the reason the number of new daily cases continues to plummet. There is not yet any clear evidence that a third vaccine dose will be required. If a third is needed, it may just be for the elderly, frail and immune compromised. The World Health Organization ( WHO ) has voiced concern about mixing vaccines. Fear not. The WHO review the clinical data from the randomized controlled trials done by the companies that manufacture vaccines. Pfizer's trials look only at the results of studies using two Pfizer vaccines. Moderna's trials look at results of studies using two Moderna vaccines. The WHO is a regulatory body. They look at all the health and safety data that comes from clinical trials. These trials do not mix vaccines. Canada’s immunization advisory body ( NACI- the National Advisory Committee on Immunizations ) looks at both the manufacturers clinical trials and real world data from several countries. The UK, Spain and Germany all have ongoing trials that have shown that mixing vaccines is safe and effective. If you have had two different vaccines, you have had a safe and powerful vaccine regimen. This from our beloved Dr Isaac Bogoch: "We see data from the UK, Spain & Germany demonstrating that mixing vaccines (in the manner we are doing in Canada) is safe & provides a significant/robust immune response." Fear not. Take a look at this graph: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations Notice Canada's position in the world in terms of vaccination rates? TOP. Well done. Let's not mess this up. Line up for that second shot and let's push our vaccination rate to above 90 %. It can be done. Will that bring about herd immunity? Possibly. Would 90 % shut out the delta variant or any other emerging variant of concern? Yes. Re-open with care. Line up for both vaccines. Get Canada to the lowest possible rate of transmission of COVID-19 and then let's do what Canadians do best. Share. It's time to reach out and assist other countries that need vaccines. Our next Finding the Balance During COVID-19 webinar is July 20th. I will post a flyer shortly. You can register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8DuFeOOYSA6I9LKRWd2D3A Anne-Marie Please share For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here: https://braceletofhope.blogspot.com/ And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here: https://www.braceletofhope.ca/ways-to-
Thursday, 8 July 2021
Ontario hopes family doctors can reach those unvaccinated against COVID-19- cbc.ca
OK. I will be the first to say what I believe family doctors are worried about. I work 10 hour days. I often triage 20 patients who need appointments everyday with an office that already has 13 or 14 patients scheduled. I have not had a significant pay increase in over a decade....yeah, yeah, yeah. Fat cats, right? I make less than your dentist, your lawyer, senior police officers and firefighters, established optometrists and physiotherapists after expenses.
The powers that be would like to ignore my overhead costs when making decisions about how much more work they will ask me to do or how much they will pay in added income as my overhead expenses skyrocket. I pay over $300,000 a year in expenses. My nurse practitioner makes just a bit less than I do when all is said and done.
Let's stop hiding the truth about the state of family practise in this province. I cannot take on more responsibilities without the ability to hire more administrative and nursing staff. I am happy to take on COVID-19. I am happy to call all of my patients who have not received a vaccine. I am happy to provide testing for COVID-19 once the testing centres close and I am happy to provide COVID-19 booster shots in the future if they are needed. I cannot work 16 hour days and I definitely cannot work for less. It is barely manageable now. If this province wants family doctors to take on these vital tasks......we will need the appropriate financial support to hire the teams of people needed to assist us.
May I ask that you please share this widely. Your health and mine depend on it. COVID testing centres and mass vaccination clinics will close. That is good news. Insist that the vast healthcare infrastructure that needs to be built in order to continue the fight against COVID-19 does not become the responsibility of your family doctor. The risk we take is that many, many of us will no longer be able to continue practising medicine.
For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here:
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Big Trouble
Food for thought. I wrote this three years ago and never published it. It May have been a little too prophetic. I worry now more than ever. Maybe the dream is still possible.
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My Beautiful Millenial Children |
Here I go again. I am training for a 100 km cycle to raise funds for our beloved foster children in Lesotho. I am nervous this year because my bones and joints are getting old and the training is painful. Time to train has been limited but I want to build a new foster home for six AIDS orphans that are now living in the back of a church. In previous years, I have raised $13,000 with this effort, but this year I want to raise more than $20,000.
Here's why. We are in big trouble on this planet. I think about it all the time. I worry about my children who are now young adults and I worry about their generation. As I approach my 55th birthday, I now worry, every day, about my grandchildren and they aren't even born yet. When my kids were little, I would sit them down at Tim Horton's once a week and remind them that I was Italian. As such, they were obligated to live within 2 km of my house and give me 5 grandchildren each.
I don't wish for that anymore. I try to imagine the kind of world my grandchildren will live in and if fills me with fear.
I am a family physician, HIV physician and AIDS activist. I founded an organization called Bracelet of Hope 13 years ago and our goal is to end the AIDS pandemic in Lesotho. That may sound like a crazy goal to you but it is not. It is a necessary goal and an achievable goal.
Here is why we are in Big Trouble.
Three massive global forces are rapidly changing our world in dramatic ways: Information technology, globalization and climate change. The world is not just being changed by these three forces, it is being reshaped by them and the rate of change exceeds our human capacity to adapt to these changes.
The rapid change and the lack of time to adapt to protect us from the negative consequences of these changes has allowed for this enormous space in which the worst impacts of information technology, globalization and climate change are thriving: turmoil in politics in both developed and developing countries, information breaches, terrorism, mass shootings and one environmental disaster after another. Did anyone notice that British Columbia is burning? Our new 'normal' they say. It isn't the new normal in the future I see for my grandchildren, the planet or humankind.
And the worst negative impact....the rise of narcissists; power-hungry, self-centred leaders elected in part, because of the power of false information and social media. These powerful leaders don't care about what is best for you, what is best for humankind, what is best for the planet. They care about money and power.
They'll watch the planet burn and millions die from the effects of preventable poverty and disease, at a time when we can wipe out both.
But not for long. We have the power to make their play time short. Because in that same enormous space between the massive changes in our world and our ability to adapt to them sits not only the power-hungry narcissist making terrible decisions that may wipe out the future of our grandchildren, but also the activist, the scientist and ordinary, good people like you and me.
They'll watch the planet burn and millions die from the effects of preventable poverty and disease, at a time when we can wipe out both.
But not for long. We have the power to make their play time short. Because in that same enormous space between the massive changes in our world and our ability to adapt to them sits not only the power-hungry narcissist making terrible decisions that may wipe out the future of our grandchildren, but also the activist, the scientist and ordinary, good people like you and me.
And we have power, BUT WE MUST STAND UP!
I am an eternal optimist and I will always believe in the inherent power of one and the collective power of many to drive positive change, to adapt in a crazy world and to learn to thrive.
Here is one miracle of science and technology that has spanned the relatively brief life of my career.
At the age of 23, I was a second-year medical student doing an elective in infectious disease at Dalhousie University. I just happened to be in the room when the first dose of AZT ( one of the first drugs available to treat HIV) was given to the first patient in the country. AZT was not effective on its own and he did not survive but his life inspired me to grow a career that involved caring for those with HIV.
I helped young men die a terrible death for the first 6 years of my practice. Then, in 1996, a cocktail of HIV medications was found to be effective in controlling the disease. Just one month after prescribing these medications and my terminally ill patients returned to good health. We called it the Lazarus effect. The drug regimen was complicated with handfuls of pills taken several times a day. There were often toxic and even deadly side effects.
In 2007, that complicated HIV drug regimen was replaced with Atripla: three combined medications in one pill given once a day.
By 2012, research showed that if you treat an HIV positive person and reduce their viral load to undetectable levels, they virtually cannot transmit the virus.
In 2013, stats showed the effectively treated HIV positive person can live a normal life expectancy.
By 2016, 5 one-pill once daily regimens became available that are so powerful they have the capacity to keep patients alive until the cure with almost no side effects and very rare serious complications.
In 2018, we believe the cure for HIV is less than 10 years away. The WHO has set new targets, the 90:90:90 treatment targets to the end of AIDS by 2030: 90% diagnosed, 90 % treated, 90% with an undetectable Viral Load.
Our collective intelligence, our ability to collect and share vast amounts of information and use technologies to create effective treatments will allow us to end AIDS in my lifetime.
Information technology and globalization may have thrown us temporarily off balance but they have has also connected us.
I love this excerpt from Thomas Friedman’s book, “Thank you for being late.”
"Information technology is vastly amplifying the power of one. What one person can do both constructively and destructively has been multiplied to a new level. One person may now have the power to destroy many but the flip side is also true, one person can now help so many more people, educate millions, inspire millions; one person can now communicate a new idea, a new vaccine, or a new application to the whole world at once.
And information technology can amplify the power of many. Human beings as a collective are now not just a part of nature; they have become a force of nature. All of us, acting together, now have the power to do good at a speed and scope we have never seen before: to reverse environmental degradation, or to feed, house and cloth every person on the planet, if we set our collective minds to doing so."
Here is what you and I can do:
We can end AIDS.
We can end poverty
We can reverse the effects of climate change
We can create a fair and equitable world where every person is safe
Fill the gap! Be generous. Because the same money and wealth that the bad guys go after with unabandoned lust and greed, the good guys also need to create forces for good.
$20,000 will build a new foster home for six AIDS orphans in Lesotho. Sound small to you? What if one of them is an Einstien or a Mandela? Once that house is built Bracelet of Hope will seek support for six mobile health units that will save 100,000 lives in a rural area of Lesotho and we will use science and information technology to get that job done. Can't deny it, that's big.
Let's get this party for the good guys started. Log on to braceletofhope.ca.
If anyone can throw $5,000 into the pot, heck, if anyone can make my life easier, throw in $20,000, do it.
Too whom much is given, much is expected.
Fill the gap! Be generous. Because the same money and wealth that the bad guys go after with unabandoned lust and greed, the good guys also need to create forces for good.
$20,000 will build a new foster home for six AIDS orphans in Lesotho. Sound small to you? What if one of them is an Einstien or a Mandela? Once that house is built Bracelet of Hope will seek support for six mobile health units that will save 100,000 lives in a rural area of Lesotho and we will use science and information technology to get that job done. Can't deny it, that's big.
Let's get this party for the good guys started. Log on to braceletofhope.ca.
If anyone can throw $5,000 into the pot, heck, if anyone can make my life easier, throw in $20,000, do it.
Too whom much is given, much is expected.
Dr. Anne-Marie Zajdlik MD CCFP O.Ont, MSM
Founding Director Bracelet of Hope (braceletofhope.ca)
Monday, 5 July 2021
170 new cases in Ontario today!
One Hundred and seventy new cases in Ontario. We have not been this low since September 10/20.
77.5 % have had one dose in WDG and 41 % have had two. That is outstanding.
Provincially, 67% of Ontarions have had one dose, 38 %, two doses.
We will soon outpace the US for the number of people with two vaccines.
Rules change for Canadian's coming home from the USA. No hotel quarantine and no 2 week quarantine for folks with two vaccines.
That means, I get to see my oldest son tomorrow afternoon after 15 months apart. He is coming home!!!
People 12 and up are now eligible for their second dose depending on the timing of their first dose. Let's get these students vaccinated before the new school year starts!!
Be very, very proud.
Please Share
For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here:
And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here:
Friday, 2 July 2021
Nicely done!
Well, would you look at that.... in awe!
200 new cases in Ontario today. 284 cases Yesterday.
179 in hospital!!
252 in ICU
160 on a ventilator
There are now fewer people hospitalized than those in intensive care which shows that the third wave in our hospitals is on its way out too!
In GWD 39 % fully vaccinated. Again, watch what happens when we reach 50 %. It will be a Delta variant shut out!
Click on this graph and scroll down to ON, and the look at the 'New Cases By Analysis Date'. The red line is the 7 day rolling average. Look at the plummeting decline in the third wave. The seven-day rolling average for number of cases reported stands at 258. Last week, that number was 292. But, it looks to me like we may be levelling off.
The more folks that get both vaccines the lower this average will go; we will continue to see declines in the number of new daily cases. Even with a high number of fully vaccinated people, COVID-19 circulation in small numbers will continue for some time, maybe months or years. But, the double vaccinated will be safe and the non-vaccinated will be somewhat protected by herd immunity. The number of new daily cases must continue to stabilize at low levels indicating a low level of community transmission.
Avoid a fourth wave. Maintain this low level of circulating virus. Get double vaccinated.
Ontario is doing a marvellous job with our vaccines and Canada over all is exceeding the vaccine rate seen in many other countries.
Canada- 68.5 % first dose (25.7 M doses)
- 31 % second dose ( 11.6 M doses)
Ontario- Over 15 M vaccinated, 67% one dose and 35 % two doses
Canada is now 14th in the world in terms of the number of people vaccinated/100 population, ahead of the US and just behind the UK who sits at number nine. What surprises me is that we are ahead of most European Union countries and Scandinavian countries. That's an incredible feat of collaboration, coordination and organization. Don't stop now.
Check out this graph:
We need to quickly pivot to become one of the most engaged countries in the world by focusing on mass vaccinations in resource poor countries. To whom much is given, much is expected.
All adults are now eligible for their second shot and please, take whatever mRNA vaccine is offered to you at the mass vaccination clinics. Moderna is interchangeable with Pfizer.
We should see results from the Pfizer study in children under 12 this month. I will do my best to keep you informed about these study results. The unpublished results are very, very promising. Once approved by Health Canada, we can start immunizing children which may be as early as the end of August in time for a return to school. We are all feeling hesitant about immunizing our children. Let's keep up to date with the science and make informed decisions. It will be very important for parents with children in this age group to avoid mis-information as much as possible. This decision needs to be made rationally and not out of fear or panic.
Stay tuned.
I received this beautiful, hand made quilt from two of my followers who quilted it during lockdown. I love it. You made my day.
Our next 'Finding the Balance During COVID' Seminar is set for July 13th. Details to follow. Save the date.
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And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here:
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Wearing Orange on Canada Day
Some thoughts:
1/ Our capacity to destroy one another is matched ( and hopefully not out paced) by our capacity to heal one another. Restoring relationships and community is central to restoring or national, community and individual well-being.
2/ Language gives us the power to change ourselves and others by communicating our experiences, helping us to define what we know, and finding a common sense of meaning. Our communicated experiences need to have a safe space where they are listened to, acknowledged and if needed, acted upon appropriately with dignity and integrity.
Words have a remarkable and miraculous capacity to heal.....and destroy. Use words that heal.
3/ We can and must change social conditions to create environments in which all people, all genders, all faiths, all backgrounds, all sexual orientations...adults and children alike can feel safe and where they can thrive.
( Adapted from "The Body Keeps Score", Vander Kolk, MD)
This is what our nation must strive to do. It will take humility, wisdom, selflessness, intelligence, grace and a desire to understand and accept one another.
I commit myself to being one of the forces for change that can lead to this place where we all live lives of health, dignity and opportunity.
Cheers to you and this beautiful country.
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