Sunday 3 January 2021

A COVID Christmas and New Year's Day


A COVID Christmas and New Year's Day.
Well, the holidays are over. Funny, I feel like something has shifted in my psyche now that the 2020 Christmas season is behind us. I think it might be a new found resilience and a lot more hope. We survived without 30 people scattered about 3 tables, without my brother's egg nog, my sister's amazing baked beans and my niece's Christmas Trifle not better than my pies. One of my nephews makes a mean turkey and my sister-in-law makes the best Chex Mix recipe. She handed me a bag in November knowing we would not be meeting for Christmas. I ate the whole thing without even letting my husband know there was a bag in the house. There was not a massive party at my brother-in-law's cottage on New Year's Eve and no intense schedule of 'friends for dinner and cards' every free night.
I spent New Year's Day in my PJ's making a puzzle. I have not done that in 30 years. My son who lives in San Fransisco zoomed in on Christmas morning. He gave his brother a 'Zoom Embrace' as we were opening gifts. It's looks a little sad with one brother reaching out to virtually put his arm around the other but I think they were .....happy. They were still together sharing a special Christmas moment. My middle son lives alone. He is part of our household bubble. He joined us for Christmas morning but we still stayed six feet apart and wore masks. It is not possible to roast a turkey and stay socially distanced in a kitchen so, we deep fried our turkey on the porch. Best turkey I have ever tasted.
Yesterday, I dropped off Christmas gifts to my daughter and her partner. I was so happy to see her. She was on her porch, I was on the side-walk. She showed me the amazing boots she got for Christmas. I am a woman. I course, I had to touch them. So. she put one of the pair of the first step and I cooed at how soft the leather was.
I spent 9 days in my house without going out. No work, no necessary trips. It was a very unique experience for me. Hats off to all those who have had to do this many times over in the last 10 months. So many lessons to learn about how to manage to learn to be quiet, and still and in some case, alone. Not easy.
All this social distancing, public health guidelines, COVID-19 hardship did not rob us of Christmas. It did make for some special and unique moments. I felt proud of how we all pulled together to take care of each other while intentionally depriving ourselves of the physical company that is usually enjoyed over this season. We did it and in so doing, we loved each other even more.
So, this week will be a very exciting as the Pfizer vaccine is rolled out in the Guelph Wellington Dufferin Public Health Unit. It is by appointment only. Please do not call Public Health for an appointment. The groups receiving this vaccine first know who they are and they have booked appointments. These are people working and living in LTC homes and the healthcare workers on the front lines. And, no. I am not getting the vaccine. Physicians seeing patients under controlled circumstances in their offices with full screening and precautions are at very low risk of getting COVID- 19. Happy to wait my turn and cheer those on who will get the vaccine first.
I will write posts about the new Oxford Astra-Zeneca vaccine this week. Mounting evidence that Vitamin D 4,000 IU daily may be highly effective an assisting your immune system in preventing COVID-19 from settling into your upper respiratory tract and causing infection. It's cheap and safe. I take 5,000 IU's a day and have been for years.
Please continue to follow the lock down restrictions carefully. The new variant is here. The spike proteins on this new variant are more effective at attaching themselves to the cells at the back of the throat, easily over-riding your immune systems initial response and dramatically increasing the chances that even a tiny exposure will cause signifiant illness.
In 2021 we must remain as a tight, united unit that works feverishly together. Our job is to adhere to guidelines while we give the experts and leaders a chance to role out vaccines and tend to the ill.
Happy New Year......and this is the last time I wear pyjama's in a post. I do have my limits!!!
Be well, be strong. Take your new found resilience and carry it confidently into 2021.
Please Share.
The holidays are very tough for many.
For mental health support here:
For local assistance with anxiety and depression:
CMHA WW Website:
Here 24/7 at 1-844-HERE-247 or
And for post-secondary students, Good2Talk
For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here:
And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here:

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