Wednesday 22 July 2020


Warning. There are harsh words in this post that may not refer to you. If they don't, thank you.
I was furious but I went for a walk and calmed down a bit. You have not seen the side of me when I rage. Yes, I rage. I have Sicilian roots. Passion flows easily and comes in many forms.
Two reasons for my rage:
1/ I have had it up to here with the myths about masks. Here is the absolute final word according to experts who practise good science. The same folks that don't really care if you don't follow the science. They will forge ahead and find a vaccine whether you spread myths or not. I use the word 'myths' kindly. Lies and hate are stronger words that I would not use in a Facebook post but, there you have it. My rage has obviously overruled my calm, levelheadedness.
A good quality cloth mask stops 85% of the respiratory droplets filled with COVID 19 viruses from exiting or entering your mask.
Masks do not cause your blood oxygen levels to drop.
They do not increase your risk of being infected with bacteria from your mouth.
They do not cause brain damage.
Done. Period. Over. Post as many nasty comments as you'd like. If you don't believe in masks and if you shame others who wear them, you are wrong. Some folks may have a good reason not to wear a mask. Leave them alone too. But if you are spreading myths about masks and people believe you, you are putting lives at risk and that is just not acceptable.
ONE OF THE KEY WAYS TO PREVENT A NEW PANDEMIC SURGE IS TO WEAR A MASK. It is our best weapon in the absence of a vaccine
2/ You won't like me for this one. If you are not following public health guidelines because you don't believe that COVID 19 will infect you or you don't believe that COVID 19 is real, look south and give your head a shake.
Cases are up across the country and in four provinces including Ontario. And most of these cases are being traced to young people who have frequented bars, private parties and large, unauthorized outdoor gatherings. God love Dr. Bonnie Henry, the chief medical officer of BC. I bet she doesn't walk around in her back yard spewing out profanities. She has taken action. Seventy new cases have now been linked to events and parties in BC over the past several weeks.
"There are close to 1,000 British Columbians self-isolating at home;. This means people are unable to work, see friends, enjoy the summer.”
Dr. Henry has just introduced new measures. She is brilliant. Under the new measures, all patrons in restaurants, bars and nightclubs will be required to be seated, alcohol self-service will not be available (that means no ordering from the bar), and dance floors will be closed.
British Columbia did not open too early and neither did we. Our kids need to get back to school...safely. People need to get back to work. We must re-open or the education of our youth will be irreparably interrupted. Food insecurity will increase. People will lose their homes and their livelihoods, if they have not already.
If you think it is OK to have that party, or increase your social bubble to 20 or thirty, or keep it at 10 during the week but change it or expand it when you head to your cottage on the weekend, you are part of that group who have caused the virus to spread and you will be responsible if a surge stops our children from heading back to school. You will be responsible if the death rate increases. You will be responsible if we lose some of our hard earned freedoms. You will be responsible when families can no longer cope financially. It is on you!!
Pretty harsh eh.
Rant over. Please do the right thing. Behave as if the world is at war because at this point in time, WE ARE.
Dr. Anne-Marie Zajdlik MD CCFP O.Ont MSM
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1 comment:

  1. Cloth masks are only 16-18% effective
    Number of studies such as Rutgers university have been done that prove medical grade ear loop masks level 2 and three are far superior
    Including N95 masks. BFE is the gold standard in mask testing. Any cloth manufacturer claiming higher should have written proof by an independent lab such as national lab
    And certified like medical grade masks
    Sorry but I love to know where you came up with 85% efficiency? Proof please
