Thursday 26 November 2020

Bubbles Pop!


So, may I make a suggestion?

Step back from the pit. It will rob you of all hope.
That pit is the political strife and conflict that is filling the airwaves right now. Did this medical officer of health do their job? Did that premier act quickly enough? Should this whole pandemic thing have been led by scientists and medical specialists, not politicians? Does anyone, anywhere actually know what they are doing? Anyone?
That's the pit. It is human nature to look for someone to blame or point fingers when things seem to be falling apart. Dangerous game to play, that one. All this strife t is distracting, it's negative and it takes our eyes off the goal.
Will we have an effective vaccine that is safe and effective? You bet we will. Several of them. They've already been created which is a massive miracle in itself. Will Canadians have access to that vaccine in January, February.....March? And, the questions we all really want to ask are, "Will that country get it before we do? Will the 'other' people suffer less than we are and for a shorter period of time? Will this ever end?"
Step back from the pit. No need to go anywhere near it. The science is here. The technology is outstanding. Science and technology will prevail regardless of who points fingers at whom, regardless of who gets blamed for what we perceive to be failures and regardless of which country gets the vaccine first.
Frankly, it is much safer to wait for these vaccines to be approved by our ever cautious Health Canada. Give them the time they need to cross every 't' and dot every 'i' of every ongoing research trial for this new group of vaccines. Can we wait a few months longer? Of course we can.
Here is what we should focus on:
Our federal government has signed deals with five of the leading vaccine candidates. They have ordered enough vaccine to supply Canadians with 190 million doses. Far more than we will need.
Ottawa is building up the infrastructure and resources we need for an unprecedented, massive vaccination program. We are damn lucky to be living in a resource rich country that has this kind of capacity. Nope. We are not making any of the top vaccines in this country for various reasons some of them related to decisions made by governments long past. Yes, the United Kingdom and the USA will likely get a COVID vaccine first. But only by a few short months and in both of these countries, the virus has infected millions and decimated economies. We are damn lucky that for various reasons, we are still holding our own with early indicators that in some provinces, Ontario being one of them, the curve seems to be flattening again.
Well done. Let's take care of each other while we wait. Let's keep wearing masks, staying apart, limiting our contacts and reducing the size of or eliminating small gatherings. The numbers are proving, once again, that these tried and true guidelines work. They will keep most Canadian communities out of the red and away from lockdown.
And, excuse me while I focus on Guelph for just a second. Three cheers Guephites. You are doing a marvellous job. Our COVID clinic is running so well that it is attracting folks from other communities. Our hospital remains free of COVID 19. The city of Guelph is barely in the orange and Dufferin is in the green. Outside of some key, now isolated outbreaks, we are in great shape. Please, Please keep it up. Follow the guidelines and keep our restaurants and small business open.
I am calling this the 'Guelph Bubble'. Bubbles pop. This one will only stay intact if we keep up our efforts and for those of you who are in the red or in lockdown, you'll get there. Stay strong. Focus on the goal and be ready to watch science and technology make history.
Please share.
Some upcoming Canadian Mental Health Association webinars:
Men(tal) Health: A Movember Webinar
November 30, 2020 |7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
All about men's mental health. Sign up here:
Coping with Loneliness and Isolation during COVID-19
December 17, 2020 | 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Sign up here:
Love it. Love it. Love it. That's a community taking care of it's own.
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