Monday 22 June 2020

Don't Move!!

Please stay right there. Get the message out to as many people as you can.
Less than 300 cases in Canada today. Only 161 in Ontario. We have had less than 200 daily cases for 8 out of the last 9 days. For the first time since March 9th, Quebec had no deaths.
The five-day rolling average of new cases now sits at 175. At it's peak the average was 588.
Twenty nine of the province’s 34 local public health units reported five or fewer new cases today and 18 reported no new cases at all.
Toronto and Peel Region will be allowed to move into the next phase of Ontario's reopening plan on Wednesday. I think Premier Doug Ford was pretty pleased to announce that today but at the same time, he pleaded with farms in Windsor and Essex to test all their migrant workers. He pleaded.
There continues to be a steady decline in hospitalizations and consistent testing levels above 20,000 per day. Proud that so many our following the leaders in this great province and country.
We learned today at a zoom meeting with physicians and COVID 19 clinic leaders, that new cases in Guelph are coming in groups. One person tests positive. That person's contacts are traced and all those that are positive are quarantined stopping the spread of the virus to the rest of the community. Testing and contact tracing is very effective at controlling this virus. This is exactly where we need to remain.
All of this good work will disintegrate in a matter of 14 days if we stop following public health guidelines. I have this image of our country tucked safely away from a giant global storm that is overwhelming populations and health care systems around the world.
Don't budge. Not even an inch. Stay safe in your social bubbles, stay six feet apart in public, wear a mask, wash your hands frequently. Avoid gathering in large groups inside. This is where the greatest risk of spread occurs.
It took months for the world to reach 1 million cases. The last million cases occurred in just the last 8 days.
I am whispering this, " We are damn lucky to be living in Canada. Period."
Now is the time to figuratively link arms and remain united as a strong, massive national front. It is the only way to avoid what is becoming a human and economic catastrophe in so many countries.
We were asked to get the message out to Guelph this morning: Please see your family doctor for any chronic or new health issues. Don't delay. We are all in our places ready to keep you healthy. And..... get tested for COVID 19.
Stay strong team!
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