Sunday 21 June 2020

Masks that Match

I am running out of ideas for photos. How many times can you look at a person with a mask on? It is proven by the social media experts that our brains zoom in on a face and more so a familiar face. You are stuck with mine. If I want to get a message out, this is the best way to grab your attention.
Tonight, I want to get a message out.
There were only 20 new deaths in Canada today. I am loathe to put ‘only’ in front of new deaths. Each of those deaths were connected to family and friends that lost loved ones on Father’s day. That will be forever tough for them on so many accounts.
There were only 267 new cases in Canada and they were all in Ontario and Quebec with 175 and 92 respectively.
ONLY 267 new cases in the country. Of the 101,268 number of COVID 19 infections in the country since the beginning of the pandemic, 63,860 have recovered.
Recoveries are now outpacing new cases and new deaths, every day.
Some provinces are getting ready for Phase 3. Provinces that have been in phase 2 for weeks reported no new cases today. They are well on their way to re-opening their economies …….with no new cases. We have yet to see a second wave despite a lessening of our social and work restrictions.
Testing, contact tracing. Testing, contact tracing, Testing and contact tracing.........While remaining six feet apart with masks on. More than 50 % of us are now wearing masks in public.
More than 23,000 tests were completed yesterday in Ontario.
We did not magically reduce the number of new cases in Canada from 3,000 a day at the peak of the pandemic to just 267 cases today. We worked at that. We suffered for that. We accomplished that.
So, here we are. What will we do next? We understand much more about this virus and we know that this physical distancing, testing, contact tracing, mask wearing strategy works. You don't have to look far to see what will happen if we abandon the plan.
The World Health Organization reported the largest single-day increase in global cases today; 183,020 and 4,743 deaths in the last 24 hours.
Brazil, the USA, India, South Africa, are experiencing huge increases in daily cases. Even Germany, a country that had the virus under excellent control, had over 1,000 new cases today.
This virus is spreading rapidly around the world. We are not immune to it.
Take home message: We have not defeated COVID 19. Our excellent numbers could lull us into a sense of complacency and once that happens, we are back to square one.
We do not have to go back to life the way it was in March. Stay six feet apart, keep your social bubbles tight, make a pact with the folks that are in that bubble and stick with it. Wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and get comfortable. We have a long way to go.
But don't think for a minute that we can't win. There is no doubt that we can and we will.
And so begins the first week of a COVID 19 summer.
Stay strong and focused folks.
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