Sunday 11 October 2020

A Stand Against Extremism And Hate

My last post has garnered an unprecedented number of comments from angry people with extremist ideologies.
The virus will not go away if we call if fake, If we down play it's danger or if we ignore the people who have suffered and died. The virus does not care if you join an extremist group that rages and divides and tears apart the scientific community and activists that are dedicating their lives to finding the answer. It does not care if what you say or do stops people from wearing masks and heeding the guidelines. It will just infect both you and them.
It does not care if you are angry, sarcastic or venomous. It's all fear. That is what makes us all the same. We are all afraid. We are afraid of death and suffering. What better way to avoid the death and suffering this pandemic is causing than to deny it exists and attack those that are fighting against it.
One million people are dead. One million. My heart breaks for their families and friends, for the people who relied on them for support whose lives are now destroyed. Today, I pray for them and their grief-torn lives. I pray for you too. Anger and hostility come from a place of brokenness. We are all broken.
I will delete your angry comments, not because I want to push my own agenda. I have no agenda except to assist in the healing of a suffering humanity. I will delete your comments because they instil fear and cause confusion. We do not need fear and confusion to be added to our suffering.
I will respect you and your opinion but I will stand against anything that does harm.
This virus is real. There is no doubt of that. It is much more infectious than the flu and much, much more deadly. It threatens us in several ways: It threatens our health and it threatens to overwhelm a health care system that must stay intact so that every ill person with any form of disease can have access to the healing and recovery that an intact health care system provides.
It could very well be that the greatest threat of this virus is it's ability to divide us and to instil hate and fear, confusion and chaos.
Stay united behind the scientists and the healthcare experts, the epidemiologists and statisticians and the governments that are following their lead.
For those of you who are already doing that, Thank you. There is so much to be hopeful for. We now understand how to slow the transmission of COVID 19. We have treatments that have dramatically reduced the death rate. That reduced rate is because of our intervention. The reduction in mortality does not indicate that the virus is less deadly. We can live close to normal lives if we wear masks and stay physically distanced and a vaccine will come in 2021. From a global and historical perspective, our suffering is light and momentary.
I am so concerned about the forces that have led to extremism and hate. The only way to stand against both is to stand tall, have courage, be of good cheer, love and support one another and trust the institutions that, in this country, have your back.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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And just to prove the great things to do when we are UNITED behind a common and just cause, our thanksgiving ride has raised $23,000 from this facebook link, the Bracelet of Hope web page and donations in cash and cheques. We are $2,000 shy of our goal. Let's do this!

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, my friend. We seem to be losing the knack of tactful expression. I am glad you enjoy it in abundance.
