Sunday 31 May 2020

An overwhelming day in a very good way

It was another amazing back door drop off day. Let me just highlight what this group has done and then I want to reinforce the collective power we have at our fingertips.
I spend the day providing health care over the phone to about 20 of my patients. I see another 4 or 5 in the office; a pretty steady and consistent pace over the last 4 weeks. The patients we see, knock on the back door. Today, I had trouble keeping up with the number of people who knocked on that back door not because they had appointments but because they have become part of the growing number of ordinary people who are responding to this pandemic. In my experience, it is not the people in power that create rapid change on a massive scale, it is you and me, the ordinary folks who respond with passion, heart and soul.
A patient who I know does not have much and has struggled through an extremely difficult life is purchasing $500 worth of grocery gift cards for me to distribute to the people I know that need help with food security.
Another patient sent me $750 to give to a woman who is caring for a very disabled son on her own who barely made ends meet before this pandemic.
One of you dropped off a bag of ear protectors to be used by the nurses and prescribers at the COVID 19 clinic. The loop mask they use irritates the back of their ears with prolonged use.
A high school teacher dropped off 10 face shields and offered to provide hundreds more.
A friend who has repurposed his company to make face shields knocked on the back door and dropped of 300 to be used by the medical teams working in several of the COVID related clinics in Guelph.
A shipment of N95 masks, surgical masks and cavi-wipes arrived at the back door. We ordered them weeks ago. Their arrival means the supply chain for PPE is finally opening up.
Pam knocked on the back door and brought me a gourmet dinner. I just don't have time to cook. She nourished our bodies and souls tonight.
There is a constant and lovely flow of generous people at my office back door making their contributions to this war effort.
That is power. That changes the world. Never underestimate that power. Nothing else drives positive change. We counter this pandemic by creating our own positive pandemic of good will and hard work.
Many of the people I talked to today are too terrified to leave their homes. If you are under the age of 70 and self isolating at home, you are very safe to go out for walks a couple of times each day. Just keep your 2 m distance. I believe it is a safe for folks over 70 as long as they keep that precious distance. There is growing evidence that the virus is not transmitted at grocery stores or pharmacies. Follow the rules in these public spaces and you will be safe. You can also walk with a friend as long as you are 2 m apart. It seems strange but safe physical socializing is very good for the soul and the mood. Try to meet with a friend this way a couple of times a week.
Don't look at the number of new infections or the number of deaths except to pray for those who are suffering. We expected these numbers. Your hospitals, emergency rooms and ICU's are still functioning well under their capacity which means we are getting and keeping this thing under good control.
The next step, I believe, is to push for widespread testing and contact tracing. This will be necessary to get us all back to work and to a normal life. Advocate for this in anyway you can. Write letters to your government officials, send emails, make a noise. This must be done.
I'll say it again. We've got this.
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1 comment:

  1. CaviWipes are non-woven, strong towelettes that proposition quick, easy-to-use, and proficient surface disinfection. They are proposed for use on non-porous surfaces and contraptions and are extraordinary for working rooms, cautious centers, neonatal units, clinical and dental operatories, and other essential thought locales.And the Caviwipes are the part of the PPE.
