Sunday 31 May 2020

Grocery Stores and public spaces!!

(My apologies for the out of context photo. I have run out of images of me looking like big bird in my PPE. This is the lovely MeMetsepo. My dear friend and colleague in Lesotho. So far, they are safe but God help us once the virus takes off in Africa)
We are dealing with an unprecedented amount of terrifying information. I guarantee, our brains cannot manage all of it and stay healthy, not while we are also dealing with isolation, job loss and absolutely no certainty about the future.
We will survive and there will be a bright future.
Can I just attempt to package up a couple of things that we do not need to be afraid of?
“So far, no transmission of the virus in supermarkets, restaurants or hairdressers has been proved.”
Read that again!
This is a quote from a world renowned scientist who specializes in viruses, Dr. Hendrik Streeck. Yep. He studies viruses for a living. He is a professor of virology and HIV research at the University Bonn. This is a public research university in Germany. As of August 2018, among its notable alumni, faculty and researchers are 10 Nobel Laureates, that's 10 Nobel Prizes. To put that into perspective, the University of Waterloo has produced two nobel laureates. In other words, the University of Bonn is a very reputable place where very smart people do work that changes our world.
During recent weeks, his team completed substantial research conducted through surveys and investigations in homes across the Heinsberg region - where more than 1,400 confirmed cases had been reported.
“There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time. He could not find any evidence of ‘living’ viruses on surfaces. “When we took samples from door handles, phones or toilets it has not been possible to cultivate the virus in the laboratory on the basis of these swabs….”
In other words, the virus might still be alive on a surface but it is too weak after a very short period of time on that surface to be transmitted to your respiratory system.
To actually 'get' the virus it would necessary for someone to cough into their hand, immediately touch a door knob or other public surface and then straight after that another person grasps the handle and goes on to touches their face. Therefore....
There is little chance or no chance of transmission through contact with so-called contaminated surfaces in public.
If people in public spaces wear cloth masks, those that may have the virus and not know it, will cough into the mask and not onto a surface. If you do not touch your face after touching surfaces in a public space and you wash your hands when you leave the public space, you will not get the virus.
I find, that if I wear a large cloth mask, like the one in the above picture, it reminds me not to touch my face. I feel comfortable.
We need to be in these public spaces. Being there should not add to the tremendous amount of fear our brains are already trying to process. Relax, follow the rules of distancing and hand washing and enjoy your brief time out of isolation. You deserve it.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Especially Nobel Peace Prize knowledge!
Next post.....Do you need to sanitize your groceries when you get home? Quick answer? Absolutely not!
Breathe. We will get through this.....together.
Please share.

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