Sunday 31 May 2020


Was not going to post tonight. Tired today. I've run into this wall of exhaustion before. I know what it is. I know what it feels like and I accept it. I run into it every so often. It controls me. I don't control it. I used to try but gave up long ago. And so, for a day, I was stuck in slow motion. I slept I ate, I read and then repeated. Today I actually got some house work done but it was an effort.
I was called into the COVID 19 clinic in Guelph last night. A four pm call woke me up from a nap. The clinic had received a call from one of Guelph's organizations. They were sending all of their employees in for testing this weekend.....all 900 of them.
As I was driving in, if felt like the old days when I would rush in to deliver a baby. I am so much older now.
The clinic tested over 200 people yesterday and even more today. We are officially ramping up testing. Most of the folks I tested last night were asymptomatic. I was so excited about this. I may have been a little too enthusiastic. I don't think any of these patients wanted to be there on a Friday night but the world is a little up-side-down right now. I must say, I did a couple of happy dances after doing the test. Not during. That would be inappropriate; but just a wee jig when the swab was done.
Widespread testing allows us to find the asymptomatic carriers and quarantine them. It allows us to find the mild cases of COVID 19 and isolate them. It allows us to follow the tracks of the infected and do contact tracing which allows us to find even more folks who might be positive.
The more people we test the closer we get to understanding what percentage of the population is infected. We can gather the information we need to plan our safe re-integration into our work lives and our social lives. This is good stuff.
Widespread testing is that final piece that must be in place before our social and physical restrictions can be lifted. We have begun!
A tribute to the nurses, nurse practitioners, doctors,
administrative folks and security staff that get you in and out of that clinic in no time flat. Every single one of them is at risk but all I saw last night was hard work, professionalism, compassion and amazing team work. Some of the staff working the clinic are putting in 12 hours a day. We appreciate YOU!
To Guelph's COVID Team. Well done!
Please share!

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