Sunday 31 May 2020

Blended Bubbles

And so begins the era of the mask....And Blended Bubbles.
Yeah, my husband is a funny guy. He thinks his mask is the coolest.
Are you sensing the changing wind? We made it through the most terrifying phase of this pandemic. Under great leadership we sacrificed our freedoms and many of us our livelihoods to take on COVID 19. We stayed home, flattened the curve and avoided the surge that hit or is now hitting so many other countries with incredible devastation. I will stick my neck out and stay that we are past the surge, it was so much less than we anticipated and we weathered it very well.
It was brilliant and cooperative leadership between the provincial, territorial and federal governments, following the lead of our medical officers of health, scientists and health experts that allowed us to succeed through that storm.
And now, just as our beautiful spring blankets the country, a new era, a new normal will soon settle in. This is such great news. I am so proud of the careful strategic plan for recovery from COVID 19 that is now being introduced.
The federal and provincial governments will work together once again to begin reopening the economy allowing the premiers to take the lead in their provinces. This collaboration is essential for our recovery. Thank you for putting your political agendas aside to work together for what is best for Canadians. Gotta love that people. Love it.
New Brunswick has launched it's plan. It has four phases. I believe that similar plans will roll out across the country. We cannot begin this fragile phase until we have seen 2 weeks of decline in the number of new infections. We also need ample PPE for our health care workers and for people returning to work. We need the resources to be able to provide widespread testing and contact tracing. It is coming.
I cannot wait until we can 'Blend our bubbles'. Yep. Part of the plan will be to allow your bubble to be blended with someone else's bubble which means, families can re-unite and share hugs. BUT NOT YET.
All of this has to be done so slowly and carefully all the while, watching for any new outbreaks of the virus. For now we must continue staying home and practicing physical distancing. This has worked beautifully. It has been our main defence. We need that defence to stay in place until we are given the all clear to slowly lift restrictions.
We must all become content with this new normal. Physical distancing will not end soon. I think that material masks should be worn by everyone in public even when you keep that six foot distance. Countries that have done well have made this mandatory. There is significant evidence that it reduces the risk of transmitting this virus. Let's get creative and make beautiful masks.
I look forward with such great hope as I travel this new path with all of you. We can so do this.
Cheers on a lovely Saturday night.
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