Sunday 31 May 2020

Excellent, Excellent, Excellent..... Indeed

Lot's of good news tonight. First off, my last post reviewed the proper use of cloth masks. Can you share this widely if you have not already? The instructions come directly off of the Health Canada website. I reviewed them with a medical professional's eye and they are bang on. Wearing masks in public will save lives and reduce the spread of this virus which will be so important as we move slowly through the re-introduction to work phase. Wearing a mask improperly, taking it off improperly can increase your risk of infection. The instructions in the last post are so very important.
For the last two days, I have been searching for clarity on whether or not we can gather outside in groups of five or less. According to the city of Guelph bylaw office, there is no issue with a gathering of 5 or less on private property as long as the 6 foot rule is maintained. The folks at public health referred me to their website which has great advice as does the Ontario public health website. The information about this issue is not clear on these sites and could be misinterpreted. I finally landed via telephone in our well loved MPP's office, Mike Schreiner. Thanks Mike. He is taking the issue to the top and will discuss it with the Medical Officer of Health of Ontario. My hope is that the 'gathering of 5 or under' restriction becomes clear to all of us. It will make a big difference to our emotional and mental well-being if these gatherings can take place. The bottom-line is our safety. More info on this by Wednesday. A big thanks to this group. The debate we had in the comments section of this page, may lead to a better understanding. Knowledge is power.
Now to the good news which is actually quite remarkable. The number of new COVID infections was doubling every two days at the beginning of the pandemic in this country. Last week is was doubling every 11 days and this week, it is doubling every 18 days. That is a dramatic reduction in the rate of new infections. That is a flattened curve and every indication points to that curve falling to 0 new cases a day in short order. Five provinces and territories had NO NEW CASES today and three have had no new cases for a week. Ontario will not be far behind provided we adhere to our strict social isolation and distancing guidelines.
Today, Ontario reported that more people have recovered from COVID 19 than people who were newly diagnosed with COVID 19.
Seven Candidate vaccines have gone into human trials according to the World Health Organization. Canadian researchers are part of this global race against COVID 19. This is huge. It usually takes years for a potential vaccine to make it to the stage where it is being tried out on human beings. We have never witnessed this level of global collaboration in the scientific arena. Be proud of that folks. It is such a remarkable thing. Once a vaccine trial enters the human phase, a vaccine could be ready for widespread distribution in record time.
We cannot loosen any of the social isolation restrictions in the province of Ontario yet. For most of us that means staying home, limiting local travel and maintaining that 6 feet of distance. Ontario must see a "consistent two-to-four week decrease in the number of new daily COVID-19 cases before the government can start loosening restrictions and begin reopening the economy......but WE ARE WINNING.
Take a big breath and spend some time taking in this great stuff. There is a huge light shining in the darkness. This remarkable trial will be over and in the process we will have reconnected with our communities, with generosity and kindness and with all that is strong and good in each of us.
Much to be grateful for.
Next post- where to reach out if you are struggling emotionally. Half of Canadians say mental health has worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. You are not alone.
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